Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lazy Saturday

Well today has been a lazy day. The weather is cold and cloudy. I need to clean my scrapbook room but found no energy to do it.

Here are a few things that make me happy.

What are a few things that make you happy?


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Princess Birthday Cake

Well, here is my interpretation of a 18th Birthday Princess Cake.
My sister asked me to make one for my DN. My ability to work with butter cream sucked. I got the shell piping down, but that was about it. I took about an hour to whip this together. I didn't have any patience at all.
Here it is....Not real proud.....Time has taken a toll on my talent...


No Posts for Awhile

Sorry for not posting, It is a combo of laziness and just nothing exciting going on sometimes. I need to get going. I am making a birthday cake today, so I will post later about how that is going.

Thanks for stopping in.