Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday My Day OFF

Well today didn't end up the way I wanted it to be. I wanted to be selfish and get a whole day of ME TIME.

I spent the morning taking Jenna to her final dentist appointment. We told her about it on Saturday. She woke up crying this morning, cried though Cereal and was pretty good about not crying in the car. She took a stuffed animal with her, I think it helped.

She did awesome. I was really proud of her. They called us Back to see her about the last 10 min. of the appointment. She sucked it up and was a great patient.

I took her to school and happened to have my credit cards in my pocket. They conventionally feel out of my pocket at her school. I was about 15 min. away from school and they called to tell me they found them. I am grateful that someone turned them in.

I then proceeded to go to M's and buy a birthday gift for a coworker. Went to Target to get a few needed items and then onto Sam's to buy rolls for Lunch on Tuesday. I forgot to order them and 200 Hard rolls are hard to come by at a Regular Grocery store.

I came home ate a leftover Burritto put my feet up for about 30 min. and Samantha was coming home from school.

wowzer, The day flew by..........being a MOM.................


Monday, February 9, 2009

Welcome to my blog

I don't lead the most exciting life, but it keep me very busy....