Sunday, February 27, 2011


Ok, I think I have to admit that I have tendencies of collecting too much stuff, but I do get moments of purging. Right now I am in the purging and organizing mode.

I am in the process of organizing my scrapbook room. I also am trying to redo some things that are well over do too.

What things are you redoing, reorganizing and purging?


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gymnastics in Full Swing

Yep, that is what it is like around our house now.

Samantha is half way through her season already.
We have been to Elkhorn WI, Orlando FL and Chicago Il so far this year.
This weekend is the big Harley Meet Downtown Milwaukee. I will be working 3 shifts and making the meal for coaches and judges on Saturday. I will be doing a Bake Potato Bar Which includes.....
-Bake Potatoes
-Ham Cubes
-Bake Potato Dip (my friend Sherries Recipe) Sour Cream, Cheddar Cheese Bacon and Scallions
-Hot Cheese and Broccoli
-Cheddar Cheese
-Salt and Pepper Grinders
-Plain Sour Cream

I also am making some Carmel Puff Corn for munching on.

Desserts will be
-Gooey Carmel Bars
-Chocolate Covered Strawberries
-Graham Crackers Toffee (I call CRACK) because you can't stop eating it.
-Oreo Balls

I truely enjoy making all this yummy stuff. All I need is one thank you and it is all worth it.