Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Level 7 meet

Last Sunday was our first level 7 meet. With only 2 months of practice on level 7 we were not sure how Samantha would do. She surprised us with taking 2nd place on the bars and a 5th place overall score. Way to go sweets. All your practicing is paying off.


Monday, January 11, 2010

My favorite Cup

With 2010 rolling in, one of the things I wanted to do was to post more on my blog. Well I have to come to find out I lead a pretty simple life and don't think I have much to blog about sometimes. Well I was thinking........

A coworker gave me this cup this year. It is awesome. I love it.
I have several special cups, but this is my favorite. The straw can not fall out, the cover screws on so no spillage (I do that alot), Ice stays for a long time and I love that it is clear so you can see in it. Troy noticed it too (he like cups too, I know we are a simple family sometimes). Looking for another one at the store, they are gone. I went on the Internet and they seem to be selling for $36 and up. Oh well I feel lucky I was special enough to be given one of these babies. Too bad for Troy.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Getting back in the Swing of Things.....

Even though it was hard getting up today, I so enjoy a schedule. I never realized this until about 3 years ago. Better late than never Right????


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year....

Well, it is January 2nd already. Wowzer time flies, the holidays are over and time to go back to work. Vacation is over. I actually am looking forward to going back to work. I miss my coworkers. They are a very fun bunch and truly enjoy working with them.

I have a few things to work on this year.

-trying to be more patient with Samantha. I have to remember she is 13 and somewhat self centered (trying to be positive here)
-declutter my home (I know this will take all year but I am bound to to it)
-spend more time for me, enjoy the good things in life.
-be healthier exercise a bit and eat a bit more green.
-reflect on the positive things in life, not the negative

I also found a new shower curtain and boarder to match the bathroom. Troy said in order to redo it, I have to find a boarder to replace the old boarder.
So yep, it took me a year or so but I found one. This will be the main bathroom, the one the girls use. I wanted something colorful.
We will paint the bathroom a grey.

What do ya think? The girls rooms each have the blue in it.
